Future development trends of the energy storage industry: Outlook for 2024-2029


01. Technological innovation drives industrial development and advances in electrochemical energy storage technology

Lithium batteries, sodium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries and other electrochemical energy storage technologies continue to innovate, and energy density, cycle life, safety performance and other aspects will be significantly improved. In particular, solid-state battery technology is expected to bring disruptive changes to the energy storage industry.

Development of hybrid energy storage technology: To meet the needs of different application scenarios, hybrid energy storage technology will receive widespread attention. For example, the combination of lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries and supercapacitors can improve system performance and reduce costs.

Exploration of new energy storage technologies: New energy storage technologies such as flow batteries, gravity energy storage, and hydrogen energy storage will provide more options for the energy storage industry.


02. The industrial chain is gradually improving, and the scale of production capacity continues to expand

Industrial chain layout optimization: With the rapid development of the energy storage industry, the industrial chain layout will be more complete, from upstream raw materials and battery cell manufacturing to downstream system integration, operation and maintenance, forming a complete industrial chain ecology.

Expansion of production capacity: To meet market demand, companies have expanded production capacity. It is expected that by 2029, global energy storage battery production capacity will reach more than 1,000 GWh.

Deepening of international cooperation: In the context of the global energy Internet, international cooperation in the energy storage industry will continue to deepen, promoting technological exchanges, industrial integration and market competition.


03. Policy support and market mechanisms are gradually improved and policy support is increased  

Governments of various countries will continue to increase policy support for the energy storage industry, including subsidies, tax incentives, financing support, etc., to promote the development of the energy storage industry. The market mechanism is gradually improved: the rules for energy storage to participate in the power market will be gradually improved, and the value of energy storage will be fully reflected. The market space for energy storage peaking, frequency regulation, and backup will be further expanded. Establishment of energy storage standard system: To ensure the quality and safety of energy storage products, countries will strengthen the construction of energy storage standard systems and promote the standardization and standardization of energy storage technology.

04. Application scenarios continue to expand

Power system energy storage applications: Energy storage will play an increasingly important role in the power system, including peak shaving, frequency regulation, backup, black start and other functions, to improve the operating efficiency and stability of the power system.

Distributed energy storage application: With the development of distributed energy, energy storage will be widely used in households, industry and commerce, microgrids and other scenarios to realize self-use of electricity, peak and valley electricity price arbitrage, etc.

New energy + energy storage applications: The combination of wind energy, solar energy and other new energy power generation with energy storage will effectively alleviate the volatility and intermittency problems of new energy and improve the utilization efficiency of new energy power generation.

Mobile energy storage applications: Mobile energy storage will be widely used in emergency power supplies, charging piles, mobile communications and other fields to meet diverse energy needs.

In short, from 2024 to 2029, the energy storage industry will usher in a golden development period. Driven by technological innovation, industrial chain improvement, policy support and market mechanisms, energy storage application scenarios will continue to expand, providing strong support for global energy transformation and the realization of carbon neutrality goals.  

01. Technological innovation drives industrial development and advances in electrochemical energy storage technology

Lithium batteries, sodium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries and other electrochemical energy storage technologies continue to innovate, and energy density, cycle life, safety performance and other aspects will be significantly improved. In particular, solid-state battery technology is expected to bring disruptive changes to the energy storage industry.

Development of hybrid energy storage technology: To meet the needs of different application scenarios, hybrid energy storage technology will receive widespread attention. For example, the combination of lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries and supercapacitors can improve system performance and reduce costs.

Exploration of new energy storage technologies: New energy storage technologies such as flow batteries, gravity energy storage, and hydrogen energy storage will provide more options for the energy storage industry.


02. The industrial chain is gradually improving, and the scale of production capacity continues to expand

Industrial chain layout optimization: With the rapid development of the energy storage industry, the industrial chain layout will be more complete, from upstream raw materials and battery cell manufacturing to downstream system integration, operation and maintenance, forming a complete industrial chain ecology.

Expansion of production capacity: To meet market demand, companies have expanded production capacity. It is expected that by 2029, global energy storage battery production capacity will reach more than 1,000 GWh.

Deepening of international cooperation: In the context of the global energy Internet, international cooperation in the energy storage industry will continue to deepen, promoting technological exchanges, industrial integration and market competition.


03. Policy support and market mechanisms are gradually improved and policy support is increased  

Governments of various countries will continue to increase policy support for the energy storage industry, including subsidies, tax incentives, financing support, etc., to promote the development of the energy storage industry. The market mechanism is gradually improved: the rules for energy storage to participate in the power market will be gradually improved, and the value of energy storage will be fully reflected. The market space for energy storage peaking, frequency regulation, and backup will be further expanded. Establishment of energy storage standard system: To ensure the quality and safety of energy storage products, countries will strengthen the construction of energy storage standard systems and promote the standardization and standardization of energy storage technology.

04. Application scenarios continue to expand

Power system energy storage applications: Energy storage will play an increasingly important role in the power system, including peak shaving, frequency regulation, backup, black start and other functions, to improve the operating efficiency and stability of the power system.

Distributed energy storage application: With the development of distributed energy, energy storage will be widely used in households, industry and commerce, microgrids and other scenarios to realize self-use of electricity, peak and valley electricity price arbitrage, etc.

New energy + energy storage applications: The combination of wind energy, solar energy and other new energy power generation with energy storage will effectively alleviate the volatility and intermittency problems of new energy and improve the utilization efficiency of new energy power generation.

Mobile energy storage applications: Mobile energy storage will be widely used in emergency power supplies, charging piles, mobile communications and other fields to meet diverse energy needs.

In short, from 2024 to 2029, the energy storage industry will usher in a golden development period. Driven by technological innovation, industrial chain improvement, policy support and market mechanisms, energy storage application scenarios will continue to expand, providing strong support for global energy transformation and the realization of carbon neutrality goals.  

